The author of our Monday Morning Meeting guide, uses a driver, passenger, analogy through out his book, or at least I hope he does.
Monday Morning Meeting guide is what I have titled his book, so know this is not actually the title!
Nevertheless, know, any bus or large capacity vehicle, can have but one driver, all the other persons must accept the role as passengers. The often unspoken driver/passenger agreement makes for a smoother ride, in most transportation of people conditions.
At the initial meeting, in the story, the author sets a three ground rules for the meetings:
1. Start and finish on time.
2. Tell the truth
3. Always be willing to try something different.
I super love to purchase books as I have a nasty habit of underlining as I read and or study and this book is getting the underline method. Below, please find a list of phrases I have underlined in my Monday Morning Meeting Guide.
Make plans to make things better.
It's not too late to change.
It's not too late to change, but you must work to make improvements.
It you want to be extraordinary, you must stop being ordinary.
Passengers are free to do a lot of things drivers can't do.
when you write things down, you commit to doing them.
Goals are accomplished when total responsibility is accepted.
See you next Monday, for Week 2!
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