CELEBRATING A 12 YEAR BLOGIVERSARY with over Fifty need to know Blogging TERMS to survive and thrive online!
Over Fifty need to know Blogging TERMS to survive and thrive online!
- AdSense: Google ads which run on your blog and turn your blog into a money-making machine. The program (Google AdSense) has been designed for bloggers and website publishers who are looking for opportunities to display targeted text, image or video ads on their web pages—to earn money when a visitor clicks on those ads. Advertisers pay Google either by the click (PPC) or impression (CPM) and Google shares a percentage of that revenue with the AdSense publishers.
- Above-the-Fold: The content of a blog or webpage which appears up top before you need to scroll down.
- Affiliate: An affiliate is a blogger who uses affiliate marketing, or is in a referral program or revenue sharing program that compensates you in return for recommending a product, service or tool to your readers. Affiliate marketers earn commissions by promoting the products of others on their blog (via affiliate programs). Learn more about affiliate marketing in my ultimate guide about how to make money blogging.
- Autocasting: An automated form of podcasting which allows bloggers to generate audio versions of their text blog posts directly from their RSS feeds. You’ll still need to start a podcast first though, which includes finding the right podcast hosting platform to get your show online.
- Audioblog: A blog where the posts consist mainly of voice recordings or audio clips.
- Avatar: A graphic picture or thumbnail image used to represent a blogger online.
- Blog: A blog is a regularly updated website where new content is frequently published, typically written in an informal or conversational style—often with the goal of attracting readers and achieving some sort of goal, whether community-building or growing a business.
- Blog Carnival: Blogs that contain links to other blogs covering a specific topic, typically used by frequent blog contributors of a website.
- Blogversary: The birthday of your blog.
- Blog Hopping: Refers to readers who follow links that are displayed within a blog post, leading them to various blogs and websites onto which one comments.
- Blog Site: The web location (URL) of your blog.
- Blog Header: This is the top-most section of your blog post. Usually, this section is used to showcase your blog’s logo, site title and key navigation links.
- Blog Footer: The very bottom of your blog post. This space is most often used to list site navigation links.
- Blog Sidebar: The vertical section or column that’s on one side of your blog—usually used to promote things like related content, signing up for your email list or otherwise.
- Blogroll: A list of other recommended blogs that are found on the sidebar or footer of a blog.
- Call to Action: Also known as a CTA, that’s put in place by a blogger that wants to prompt readers into taking specific action (that’s ideally relevant to the topic at hand).
- Category: A category or label tag that bloggers use to post based on a specific topic.
- Click Bait: Sensational or even misleading headlines that are designed to trick readers into thinking the content contains information that it doesn’t. Usually done to make content highly shareable.
- Content Marketing: Creating high quality content that’s designed to attract readers who could potentially become a customer of your business. Content marketing is often used to support your sales funnel, in order to answer key questions & objections, educate prospects, eliminate doubts and provide genuine value in an effort to build meaningful relationships with your potential customers.
- Content Syndication: Having your blog content posted on another site after it’s been first published on your own blog. Content syndication can be in the form of a simple link, thumbnail, snippet or even a run of your entire blog post (with a link back to your original article on your blog).
- Creative Commons: The permission that’s given by photo-sharing sites like Unsplash, Pexels and Shutterstock for the use of their photos.
- Curated Content: Content that’s been hand-picked.
- cPanel: A tool offered by all of the best hosting plans and providers, that makes it easier for users to configure the technical settings of their own accounts without needing technical support.
- Domain Name: The web address of your blog (like yourawesomeblog.com) that people type into either the address bar or a Google search in order to find a particular website or article. It’s best to name your blog in a clever way that gives a clue as to what your content topics will cover.
- Dashboard: The home base area behind-the-scenes of your blog within your CMS (like WordPress or another similar platform) where you can navigate around to doing tasks like uploading blog content, installing plugins, making visual changes to your pages and otherwise.
- eBook: Also known as a digital book, an eBook is a book you’ve written that can be consumed in a digital format (like a downloadable PDF or on the Amazon Kindle store).
- Followers: Those who subscribe to your blog or follow your accounts on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram.
- Favicon: The image displayed for a website within your browser tab.
- FTP: Stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is a client-server protocol used for the transfer of files. This is a popular way of downloading or uploading files from or onto a server.
- Gravatar: The image that follows you from blog to blog (usually when you post a comment or write a guest blog post), appearing beside your name. You can set your Gravatar here.
- Guest Post: Guest blogging is when you write a blog post or article for another person’s blog with the goal of attracting some of their readers back to your own blog (and for increasing the authority of your website in the eyes of search engines).
- H1, H2, H3 Tags: Heading tags that denote different size headings in a blog post or on a particular page. The H1 tag should contain your main keyword phrase and should only be used once on a page. The H2 tag is a subheading and should contain similar keywords to the H1 tag, but can be used to break up major sections of your content.The H3 tag is the subheading of the H2 tag and should be used to denote sections of content within your larger H2 sections. When it comes to Heading tags, H1 is the most important while H3 (and so on) gets less and less attention from search engines.
- Hosting Service: The company that hosts your blog online and makes it visible on the Internet.
- Hyperlink: A link (usually a text link) from one blog that directs readers to another website.
- Influencer: An influencer is someone with a large following who can be partnered with by marketers and brands to promote their business. The goal of many bloggers is to build up a sizable following and be considered an influencer—which is one proven way to make money blogging.
- IRL: Stands for ‘In Real Life’ and is used by bloggers to talk about their life when they’re not blogging.
- Infographic: A graphic visual that’s used to break down complex information into easy to digest visual content.
- Link Party: Where bloggers go to show their blog posts in an online forum, by leaving links to their content.
- Monetization: The ways in which bloggers decide to make money blogging. There are several ways in which you can monetize your blog including through affiliate programs, advertising networks, sponsorships, the sale of digital products, physical products, offering your services and more.
- Multi-blogger: A blogger that has multiple blogs running simultaneously.
- Niche: A blog niche is the specific category of topics you’ve decided to blog about within a particular industry.
- Organic Growth: An overall increase of blog traffic that occurs over time as you work to publish quality content, spread the word and bring more readers into your community.
- Opt-in: An incentive (like a content upgrade or lead magnet) that’s offered to readers who opt-in to receiving email updates about your blog.
- Page: A static page on a blog or website that does not update automatically. Pages are different than blog posts in that they’re not added to your RSS feed when a new one is published.
- Permalink: The unique URL of the blog post that you publish. Permalinks are rarely ever changed.
- Plugin: Plugins are software snippets that add more functions or features to your blog—most commonly offered by private developers who make plugins for WordPress.
- Photoblog: A blog that contains mostly photos and images, usually run by a photographer.
- RSS Feed: Short for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ is used by some people to subscribe to a blog. This method of blog subscription used to be more popular, though. In an RSS feed, all your favorite online content is curated and gathered in a single place for you to view.
- Sponsored Post: A blog post that’s been paid for by advertisers or brands to promote their product or service.
- Subscriber: A person who’s signed up for your email newsletter and wants to be updated when a new blog post is published.
- Self-Hosted blog: When the blogger owns both their blog content and their domain name.
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization): SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a process used to improve your blog’s rankings in search engine result pages.
- Tag: Tags are words that are used to categorize & classify a blog post based on the overarching themes it covers, behind the scenes in your CMS.
- Tagline: The slogan used by blog owners to describe the purpose of their site.
- Traffic: The number of visitors a blog receives within a given time period.
- Vlog: A video blog that publishes content primarily in video format.
- Vlogger: Somebody who manages a video blog (often a YouTube channel).
- Virtual Assistance (VA): A virtual assistant is someone who (often) helps bloggers with administrative tasks, usually remotely.
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