keep the car on the road ... tire not

no photographs today
just words

this creative business journey reminds me of a trip the children and I took in the summer of 2009.
the summer we went barn hunting almost every day
yet the barn hunting, didn't quite prepare us for a day trip to Missouri

a rescue mission
of two children 
one boy, one girl
in a smaller than May berry Town
the sheriff of May berry called
the Grandfather in Tennessee
and off we went
on a rescue mission
one boy, one girl
we packed the car
we checked the oil
we created a travel plan
we created an exit plan
old father time was standing there
a single phone call from the sheriff of May berry to DCS
if we did not make it in time
but we did and the rescue part of the mission was complete
now it was time for the longer than long journey HOME
we packed the car
we checked the oil
we created a travel plan
we created an exit plan
fear set in ... soon it would be dark soon
it's time to get on the road
hunger called ... it would be dark soon
it's time to get on the road
it's time to stay on the road 
it's travel time ... it's time to travel
be it night or day
the road was so dark ...
merge lanes were now a dream
unknown ... uncharted ... byways
our job is to keep the car on the road ... 
through the darkness ...
through the dust ...
through the fog ...
keep the car on the road  ...
     there's no turning back ... 
     cause we ain't left nothing in May berry
soon the road gave way to a highway
we could go faster now
merge lanes still but a dream
unknown ... uncharted ... roadways
keep the car on the road ... tire not
through the dust ...
through the fog
through the darkness
soon the highway gave way to the road
we had to steady our pace
dreams of merge lanes have disappeared
unknown ...uncharted ... byways
keep the car on the road ... tire not
it's pitch black
day is sleeping
night is creeping
around the bend to the right of the road
there stood a little house 
sharing & shinning their BIG light
keep the car on the road
around the next bend to the left of the road
there stood another little house
sharing & shinning their BIG light
one house after the other ... shining the way

shift the car into low gear ... it's time to coast into the light

Are you the travel LIGHT for someone Else's journey ?
keep the car on the road ... tire not


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