Ten from Tenn for the tenth ... my birthday

since it's my birthday and all, I thought I would let you in on the inside scoop. Leslie picked me up today for our annual birthday lunch. She's letting me pick the spot, my favorite spot ... that is for lunch. Maple Street Grill has the best chicken salad with strawberries & feta cheese & desert I will be consuming. 

ear bobs from

I miss sharing my birthday with my sweet momma. Evey year she would bake the most awesome cake on my birthday. And, when it was time to celebrate the moment, she would create a ceremony of cutting the cake in half, in reverence to our Mother/Daughter bond. The other half of the cake was set aside. For the very next day. my Mother's birthday.

In honor of my Mother, I will soon begin, a new journey. And this journey brings be back to the point of this post. Me shopping for my birthday. First the stuff, I plan to buy.

01. Crazy, sexy diet by Kris Carr
02. The Aquarian Twins podcast
03. HEARTsie ornament: L O V E
04. Some more tea & some new boots
05. Cloth Paper Scissors Studios Magazine Spring 2011

backpack by
What I want, but still a bit on the fence about my budget
07. Do What you love retreat

magazine by 
Some stuff I already bought myself for my Birthday

08. A new back pack (my daughter wants this)
09. Some new ear bobs
10. Some new ART

Art by

Show me some 210 birthday love in the comments ...


best all time