Clean Slate

Today is in the studio sneak peek Friday with Jennifer & my studio is COLD .... but after all  it is winter. 

I heard about clean slate last summer while surfing the web and I am sharing this awesome mission with you from my less than warm studio. I been telling peeps about this awesome mission for months now. This is a mission that can be started anywhere. And, this is a mission started by a GOD fearing woman. The help.

A cast Iron tub still sits on my front porch and I must pause to wonder why. Is this a message from my FATHER as how strong my faith in HIM should be. Is it a point of armor? What? I wonder. But I will not wonder while I wait cause my promise is in HIM. Jesus

Am I Martha or Mary in the book of John as it pertains to Lazarus. What about you? Are you a Martha ... running to Jesus ... after you called HIM. Then speaking the words of disbelief or are you a Mary sitting and waiting for Jesus to call ... when he arrives, not if he arrives but WHEN.

Be sure and check out the other studio links right HERE


  1. Such a thought provoking post! I have to say it outloud..most of the time whenever I close my eyes ~ the first thing I see is what I hope Jesus will look like. I'm forever waiting for His return. When I hear a loud sonic boom..or a sudden crashing noise..I always look up, wondering if THIS could be the day. I'm like Mary..a Waiter on Christ! Have a glorious weekend sweet friend.

  2. im confusedw with the tub on your porch

  3. I actually have the book, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. I have a tendency to get busy...I need to focus on the one who it's all about...Jesus. I think learning to sit at his feet, when you're used to working and being busy is challenging. I'm glad he's so loving, patient and kind!=)

  4. I was thinking of the same book that Anita mentioned. I really enjoyed the book! I can see myself in both Martha and Mary.

  5. You are always intriguing, Sonya! I tend to lean more towards Mary, tho' I have my Martha moments!


  6. You got me thinking again Sonya... I'm probably a Martha/Mary. A little of both- Martha moments abound, but the Mary heart exists too. Thanks for causing me to reflect.


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