What's good card board?
That's right, I'm asking the hard questions here. What is good card board anyway? I'm sure my children would love to know, heck ... I wanna know myself. What I think is so, so funny is the rush I get, when ever I spot a piece of the good stuff. You would think this free stuff I crave was made of gold. OK, maybe copper. I spotted this piece in the grocery. On the bottom of two dozen eggs. Now, all of a sudden my children and I need more protein. So I can collect more egg bottom cardboard. Do you favor the brown stuff, the gray stuff?
Are you sometimes super needy of card board.
Does card board inspire yoU?
Or, is it just me?
I hear ya, sister! I'm laughing because you'll crack up (didn't mean to make an egg joke there, it just happened spontaneously) when you see what I did this past week. Yes, egg cartons excite me! You can get 3 of these when you buy 5 doz eggs at Costco. We go through a lot of eggs so it's totally worth it in every way.