Pantone Fashion Color Report Spring 2011 for YOU

you don't have to choose ... you can have em both, new & old

What an extremely busy news week it's been, from Facebook's new profile page design ... to Google's E-Book Partner plan and now Pantone is continuing to stand firm on their choice for color of the year. The 2010 Pantone color pick was Turquoise. The 2011 color pick is Honeysuckle

Download your FREE Pantone Fashion Color Report Spring 2011, it's yummy beautiful,plus it has fashion updates from some of the world's top designers. You are just
going to love it. As makers, designers and marketers we acknowledge color every
day but as I have illustrated we can have a bit of old, we a bit of new. What are
some of your color comforts? Let me know in the comments below ...


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