Know thy self
This week, the gals over at spring are talking creativity again, their spin, this week is on making creativity a habit. So here's my spin on ...
I have yet to make creativity a habit. But, I am in the mist of working on that right now. Today marked the 8th day of me working in my morning pages journal, a companion of the Artist Way by Julia Cameron. I just finished reading The War of Art by Steven Pressman (I grabbed the $1.99 PDF) and I find his theory of Resistance to be on point, such an easy read. As Julia states in her book, I am no longer who I was …, but I am not yet who I am to be. This girl in transition. And, transitions are difficult, cause we have to allow ourselves permission to lean in to multiple directions, to find the one that is best suited for us, yet at the same time we must continue to be open to new opportunities in creativity. When we’re not there yet, we must be patient all the while continuing to explore. Making creativity a habit is a very broad subject, and lately I’ve come to realize, that there are multiple physical habits that must be in place first, such as bed making and some sort of physical exercise. Creative habits and some sort of physical fitness program go hand in hand. My choice of physical activity is running and running on a regular basis. I’ve started and stopped and stopped again. But, I know in my heart, that once I achieve some physical focus, then the mental focus will fall into place. In the meantime, I’ll keep leaning, sharing and reading in the direction of my dreams, knowing that the creative habit is as close as a chair.
great photos and words on this post and the last. love READING your Work. I agree with moving and creating everyday. It just seems there are not enough hours in the day. okay, off my butt and just do it!
ReplyDeleteThese are really great thoughts, Sonya, and it seems that you've definitely taken your first step, which is making that decision to do something. Bravo to you for that!
ReplyDeleteI've spent a lot of time with morning pages, and it's an exercise that I keep coming back to, especially when I'm feeling the need to be centered. Your creative habit is SO close, possibly closer than you even realize!
Another thoughtful post. I always enjoy reading your hearfelt responses to the Spring questions!