Thanksgiving Sunday

It's a super HOT Sunday evening in the middle of July, the bugs are at it, lawnmowers are at it and I am sitting at my computer, in my little studio without air conditioning. Thankful. I'm sweating so much, Thankful, that my neck sticks together, if I lean it a little to much to the right. Thankful. I stalked a neighbor's pickup truck for an old rusty table yesterday and he gave it to me today. Thankful. I was thinking today, about what an awesome time we live in, right NOW, today and how an economic downturn gives us reason to hope for an economic upturn, Thankful, but I'm wondering if our current economic situation were to turn around tomorrow at noon, would I be prepared? My children and some of your children will return to class (school) in less than three weeks. Thankful, and I am not prepared for Back to School. I am not enjoying this heat but I love the feel of sunshine. Thankful, and I am more thankful today for all our many blessings. I am also, thankful to HIM for allowing men to document the sheer beauty of what we may later call The Best of Times. What are you thankful for? Are you thankful for this heat when reminded of snow. I just added this digital image to my shop and I'll be adding more images daily. Thankful.


best all time