A Blog Redesign

Early spring cleaning and change n this Blog up a bit.
Lots more work to do befor it is done
Here is a list of some, but no particular order.

Need more gutter space everywhere
below the header
between the columns

Design a banner for this here blog
(maybe no more photographs....Hmmmm)

Make this blog 1 with pages
(you can now have 10)
10 static pages that is

Decide what the page catergories are
Decide color scheme

and continue to post daily build
to twice a day and then design
the other blog....................

Bear with me.......Deadline is
Monday, March 1


  1. Goodluck!
    I'm constantly trying to perfect mine, so I know how frustrating it can be. All the best to you!

  2. Have fun redesigning! Thank you for commenting on my blog it forward post!


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