Welcome to Where Women Write Wednesday! 

Where women wrestle with words and the word, has always and forevermore interested me greatly! With that said I also realize, you too, may have some curiosity as to where and when I write it all out and wrestle words and the word. Well, I'll tell you, I have had the pleasure of writing in a great many places but I must say, I have one that was my most absolute and complete favorite and the entryway to this place is featured below.

Below is a photo of my very first, outside of the house, writing desk! 

I posted pictures of my outside the house STUDIO, back in August of 2010. Click on the link above to check out pictures of my very first, adult with children, Room of My Own

And please check back, next week as I update this site with some over the years photos of my various studios from my Instagram account!


best all time